ABC <> Your org
our four pillars of synergy
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pillar of synergy #2
A team of 4 to 5 enthusiastic ABC Consultants at The Wharton School are ready to tackle challenges or explore opportunities that your company is currently facing.
team of 5
Including one Project Leader, a small team will be working closely with you.
semester basis
With a scope and duration of one semester (2-3 months), we work towards timely objectives throughout the semester.
diverse perspective
Every ABC member studies something different - some not even business. With diverse interests and past experiences, they offer a unique perspective.
exclusive access
With access to top professors and vast academic libraries, the team is able to harness the Wharton knowledge, conduct in-depth research and apply it directly.
project timeline
Fall Semester:
Spring Semester:
[Continuous checkins]
Final Presentation
Sep 15th
Feb 1st
Dec 1st
May 1st
Ralph Fritsche
Sr Project Manager,
NASA Space Crop Production
I'm blown away by the amounts of insight you were able to put into this.
Nathan Moses-Gonzales
M3 Agriculture Technologies
Exceeded any expectations.
We'll be definitely using what you just presented.
pillar of synergy #3
immersive trips
Memories get created in-person and hands-on.
We want to walk around in your HQ, have lunch with the Head of HR and hear from the top executives in your organization. Outside of that, we want to visit your company operations in the field, get immersed in the local element and understand how Ag works in your region.
pillar of synergy #4
Being invited to speak at The Wharton School isn't about the fame.
We welcome trailblazers in agribusiness to share their experience and insights with the broader community to help inspire the new generation of leaders. Last year, we put together the best agribusiness forum in the East Coast.